Thursday, April 12, 2007

Once Upon a Family

My April Love Inspired, Once Upon a Family, is the first in a series called Fostered by Love. As the local high school principal, Peter Stone knew troubled student Sean Williams needed his expert assistance. And as a Christian, Peter knew God was leading him to help. Yet it was the boy’s mother who captured Peter’s noticed. Laura, a widow caring for her four children and ailing aunt, had no time for romance or religion. Somehow, despite her protests, Laura found herself and her brood frequent visitors to Peter’s ranch and the church he attended. Soon it seemed her family was meant to complete Peter’s life.

Once Upon a Family was Top Pick for Romantic Times for April. “Peter and Laura share an immediate connection. Cheesy by no means, this terrific family story does a fantastic job of dealing with serious issues facing children.” (4½) Robin Taylor, reviewer for Romantic Times.

As a writer I have been fortunate to be able to put some of myself in each book I write. I don’t think I can totally separate myself from my books. I decided to write a series about some of the serious problems I’ve seen as a high school teacher that children have to deal with. This was a therapeutic exercise for me—like writing in a journal. There are so many times I’ve felt impotent and unable to do anything to help a student. At least by writing this series I hope to highlight some of the issues facing children. What are some of the things you do to help yourself work through concerns that upset you?

Margaret Daley


Sierra Donovan said...

Hi Margaret,

This has been a hard one for me. The epidemic of out-of-wedlock pregnancies bothers me a lot. My current book includes a crisis pregnancy center, based on a real one in my area that I admire a great deal. After writing the book, I signed up with them to mentor a woman who was on her second unplanned pregnancy. She actually seemed to have it together more than most -- she was going to school to train for a better career -- but we had trouble meeting up, and I'm afraid I never accomplished much. And she was in her early twenties -- I really doubt I'd be able to reach a troubled teen.

So, I can relate to the way you feel. I hope your story reaches some of the people it needs to reach.


Christie Craig said...


First my daughter is a high school teacher and I heard a lot of things from her, so I can relate to how hard teaching can be.

I think writing is the best therapy there is. The issues in my novels are almost always somehow connected to something in my real life. As for how I deal with them? Mostly through humor.

I've laughed my way through a lot of difficult situations. And this is a trait all my characters tend to have as well.


Margaret Daley said...

Thanks, Sierra.

Christie, humor is a great way to deal.


Anonymous said...

I'm a big Margaret Daley fan and am looking forward to reading your new series. Your stories are uplifting, and I always come away with a renewed sense of hope.

Sometimes we touch lives without ever knowing it...teachers, especially.